Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο


Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιούνιος, 2009

There is no such thing as great sex unless you have an apocalyptic moment - Aνακαλύπτω τον Θεό στο πλέον ερωτικό μου σημείο

NORMAN MAILER: Great sex is apocalyptic. There is no such thing as great sex unless you have an apocalyptic moment. William Burroughs once changed the course of American literature with one sentenc e. He said, "I see God in my asshole in the flashbulb of orgasm." Now that was one incredible sentence because it came at the end of the Eisenhower period, printed around 1959 in Big Table in Chicago. I remember reading it and thinking, I can't believe I just read those words. I can't tell you the number of taboos it violated. First of all, you weren't supposed to connect God with sex. Second of all, you never spoke of the asshole, certainly not in relation to sex. If you did, you were the lowest form of pervert. Third of all, there was obvious homosexuality in the remark. In those days nobody was accustomed to seeing that in print. And fourth, there was an ugly technological edge — why'd he have to bring in flashbulbs? Was that the nature of his orgasm? It was the ...

Lose the name of action

Όταν μουνταίνει η Θέληση Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.--Soft you now! Έτσι, η συνείδηση μας κάνει όλους δειλούς. Κι έτσι, της θέλησης το καθαρό ατσάλι μουνταίνει από της σκέψης τη θολούρα. Και βλέπεις σχέδια μεγίστης σημασίας κι ανάγκης να βολοδέρνουν μέσα στο άβουλο τους ρέμα και να ντροπιάζουν τ’ όνομα της πράξης. Πηγή: "Hamlet Act ΙΙΙ, Scene 1,91-96" by William Shakespeare P.S. Η μετάφραση είναι του Μάριου Πλωρίτη